USB to RS-422/485 isolation voltage is 3kVdc
Thông số chính:
- Chuyển đổi từ USB to RS422/485
- Tốc độ truyền cao
- NGuồn cấp 5V từ cổng USB
- Able to use in the severe conditions of -10 to 50 degree Celsius.
- Card-case sized, metal enclosure, noise resitance.
- Able to mount on 35mm DIN rail.
- Lowe power consumption.
- Support 300bps up to 3Mbps.
- Support RS-485 driver control automatically and DTR/RTS line control.
- Monitor RS-485 line and support flow control on CTS line.
- Able to control 128sets maximum as RS-485 multi-drop type.
- Able to extend RS-422/485 up to 1.2Km